Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Another procedure

Today was a crazy day. Eric has been in rough pain for weeks, although he says it's a level 3 or 4, his physical being tells me it's much higher than that. Let's go back a few days ... 

Last Saturday we ended up at the Providence Portland Medical Center Emergency Department for blood work and a CT scan to see if there was any infection or signs of leakage from the surgical site. Fortunately, everything was ok, unfortunately it meant that the pain was around to stay. 

He called his surgeon to speak with him about things yesterday and this morning we got a call saying that he'd be going back into the hospital for an outpatient procedure tomorrow, then it was changed to 3 pm today, and then at 9:15 am we were told to be at the hospital by 10 am. And we were. 

And in they went ... and Eric is very well aware of what his pain level now is. According this this scale, he's been living in the area between 6 and 7 ... NOT a good place to be. 

So, what is going on? Well the good news is that everything is healing well. Unfortunately that anal fissure is still there and because of the proximity to the surgical site, it's adding to the irritation that comes with a major surgery. PLUS his bladder is right next to the site also, so when his bladder begins to fill, it presses on that area and his pain increases.

He is now moving to a different medication regime AND will start Acupuncture on Monday, which his surgeon says can do wonders! 

Dr. Mark Whiteford - ROCKSTAR MD

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