Sunday, March 5, 2017
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Super Bowl Sunday update
I took Eric down to the Elks Lodge for the first half of Super Bowl. It was great to see him laughing and smiling with folks. He spends most of his time standing up or laying down, so he was on his feet a lot there, which aggravates his achilles tendon. He simply can't win.
We came home at halftime and within 15 minutes he was in bed and asleep.
He has started getting Acupuncture twice a week for pain relief. He's two treatments into it, it's expected to take 5 or 6 before he notices any improvement. He will be speaking with his doctors tomorrow about his pain level.
We've been blessed with some donations to the GoFundMe account this week. We ask that you continue to spread the word about our situation and consider helping out. Our finances are a real concern for Eric, we know God will provide however the bills keep coming and it's added stress.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Oncology update ...
At this point, we are unsure how my body will react but do not anticipate anything very serious.
I meet with my surgeon Feb 9th. He will review my new chemo schedule to help him determine when to reverse my ileostomy.
In the meantime, I am still dealing with the pain and recovery from my Jan 4th surgery. Please continue to pray for me and my family.
Thank you. - Eric
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Latest GoFundMe update
We've updated the GoFundMe campaign. Please share it with folks. Eric is really struggling over not being able to support us through this. Every bit, anything you can spare, would help ease his burden.
Here is the direct link that you can share with others.
Thank you and God Bless!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Another procedure
Today was a crazy day. Eric has been in rough pain for weeks, although he says it's a level 3 or 4, his physical being tells me it's much higher than that. Let's go back a few days ...
Last Saturday we ended up at the Providence Portland Medical Center Emergency Department for blood work and a CT scan to see if there was any infection or signs of leakage from the surgical site. Fortunately, everything was ok, unfortunately it meant that the pain was around to stay.
He called his surgeon to speak with him about things yesterday and this morning we got a call saying that he'd be going back into the hospital for an outpatient procedure tomorrow, then it was changed to 3 pm today, and then at 9:15 am we were told to be at the hospital by 10 am. And we were.
And in they went ... and Eric is very well aware of what his pain level now is. According this this scale, he's been living in the area between 6 and 7 ... NOT a good place to be.
So, what is going on? Well the good news is that everything is healing well. Unfortunately that anal fissure is still there and because of the proximity to the surgical site, it's adding to the irritation that comes with a major surgery. PLUS his bladder is right next to the site also, so when his bladder begins to fill, it presses on that area and his pain increases.
He is now moving to a different medication regime AND will start Acupuncture on Monday, which his surgeon says can do wonders!
Dr. Mark Whiteford - ROCKSTAR MD |
Thursday, January 12, 2017
A WILD turn of events !!!
I will let Marissa update all the blogs but wanted to share this right away.
Dr. Whiteford just called me with the results of the tumor biopsy. I know that the chemo and radiation will get all the credit but I know the outcome would have been different if not for all the prayers also. I give God the credit, with the help of the chemo and radiation.
The biopsy showed
THANK YOU, all for your prayers and support.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Tumor IS Gone!
Here is a cropped photo of what's been done, the blue area covers his colostomy bag. There are 4 laparascopy incisions in his abdomen for the one surgeon to do the colon release for reattachment and a large incision from his belly button down to the pubic bone for the Cancer, rectum and colon removal.
Honestly, all things considered, he's doing really well. Planning on discharging tomorrow unless the two sites need more attention here.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Be gone Tumor!
Eric is now settled in his temp home, Rm 744 at Providence Portland.
Surgeon was able to remove the tumor completely and said the colon reattachment looks good. Best news is that the tumor responded GREAT to the initial chemo and radiation and was about the circumference of a nickel! For reference, place a quarter and nickel side by side, that's where we started in August!
Pathology should be back Monday, once we have that a specific chemo plan will be decided upon. That round will tentatively start the first week in Feb and last 4-5 months depending on the specific cancer.
Then a 4 week break and another surgery to hopefully reverse the Ileostomy.
We anticipate being here for 3-7 days, based on his recovery.
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. We still have a long way to go but this was a big step.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
It's time to get moving!
Early night for us, we hit the road at 5 am for a 530 am check in at Providence Portland Medical Center.
Surgery starts at 7:30 am and is expected to last for 6 hours. I will update when I can.
Prayers, good vibes and all positive thoughts are requested.